Wolverine and the X-Men S01E02 Hindsight
Ok last week is downloaded this show just to see what it's because im a MARVEL/DC freak and well i just have to say that this show is great to watch if your a fan of the marvel heroes and a freak of the X-men so its a must watch i would say all the action.
Hindsight (Part 2 of 3)
Wolverine and Beast try to reunite the X-Men. They manage to get Iceman, Shadowcat and a resentful Rogue back to the team. Colossus, Angel and Cyclops say no. Meanwhile the Brotherhood of Mutants try to incriminate the X-Men and enlist Rogue as one of their members.
where's EP mate?
if you look above the screenshots that i posted there it will say rapidshare PT01 - PT02 just click on them to get the parts they are split into 2 parts just use winrar to un rar them remeber you need both parts
i kno dis has nothin to do wit dat post but u said u moved from baywords from blogger rite.
i was gonna use blogger as well but i see dat there is no way to transfer my old wordpress posts. i was wondering if i missed somethin n i can do dat on blogger. dat's da only reason i'm not using it cause i wanna hav da old wordpess post on it.
o-mega i do understand what you mean but what i understand is, PT01 and PT02 are frrom the same ep which is ep2, you just cut it inhalf so you can upload it in rapishare.am i wrong? but ill try to download it. thanks, waiting for the next one.
what ill do is post episode 1 later tonight for you to download
thats geat to hear o-mega. how bout episode 3? when will it air?
Could you please upload the episode on megaupload instead? that way it can be one link